Model DHL-30F-15V-7.5C-EX-SS
Dual Range, Twin Motors, Tank Mounted, Mixer/Disperser
IMC Series 4020 Model DHL will increase productivity and versatility of high viscosity batch processing. This system produces swift dispersions in applications from paste inks, to coatings, plastisol’s, adhesives and specialty chemicals. These models range from laboratory size to production sizes with tank capacity exceeding 3000 gallon with up to 200 HP electric motors. Variable speed features on both shafts may be provided with the use of inverter duty motors and variable frequency inverters with standard NEMA 1 or explosion proof controls. Load cells, wiring & digital displays are available. All wetted parts and the vessel surfaces may be polished to higher than 240 grits.
IMC Model DHL-30F-15V-7.5C-EX-SS Includes:
- 30 HP Fixed Speed Disperser
- 15 HP Variable Speed Mixer
- 3-Blade Anchor Turbine
- 750 GAL, Tank, Flanged & Dished Bottom
- Polished to 150 Grits.

This Tank Mounted Bridge features a rugged Bearing Housing. The hand pump, used as Variable Speed Controller for the Low Speed 3-Prong Open Anchor Impeller is also visible. The risers on the Impeller have detachable Teflon strips which ride on the wall of the vessel wiping it clean. The high speed blade is slightly to the left of the anchor impeller’s mixing shaft. The high polish on the wetted parts (shafts, blade, impeller) and on the inside surfaces of the mixing vessel can be seen in the image above. This type of polish facilitates cleaning of the mixing system.
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